73 thoughts on “Foto Friday, then and now

  1. we have so much in common, marlene!!! be proud of yourself, you've put in a ton of hard work. you were fabulous then but now you're fabulous and a lot smaller!!

  2. uve come so far!u should be soo proud of urself. we all are. the biggest difference in the 2 pix is smile. u look real happy in the second one! yay marlene!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow! I was tearing up when I read your BQ race report yesterday, but seeing where you started makes this an even more awesome achievement!Congratulations on making your dreams come true!

  4. I love your smile in both photos! But I know that your body is feeling so much healthier now. Congratulations on a journey that has brought you where you are today. Doesn't it make you wonder, as you look back at where you were, where the next 5 years will take you?!So glad your journey allowed me to get to know you! Thanks!

  5. I have similar pics…minus the BQ!!! congrats to you. I lost about 70 lbs in a year and started running after the first 50 were off. I bet the girl in the first pic did not thing she had a BQ in her, right?

  6. Wow way to go you look great!!! And way to go on your race ! Wow I cried when I saw the pictures of u crossing the finish line! Congrats on all you success!!!

  7. You are just amazing and hey, CONGRATS on your marathon!!! OMG, you DID IT!! I'm so happy for you! I just caught up with your posts and read the great news!

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