Three Things Thursday

1. 2 months til Boston!! Can you believe it? Time is flying and that makes me both excited and terrified. I’ve waited and wished for that day for so long and I need to make sure that (a) I’m ready [I will be], and (b) I don’t let it blow right by me [I won’t].


2. Have you heard about the new Running Blog Database by 2 Slow 4 Boston? It’s a comprehensive and interactive database of over 500 blogs so far (and counting)! Click on over to make sure you’re in the list. It’s easy to add your favourite blogs as well.


3. Tonight at the marathon clinic we are hosting a guest speaker from our local CrossFit facility. This activity lifestyle has been sweeping the fitness world and I’m looking forward to finding out what it’s all about. Have you tried CrossFit?


Happy Thursday (almost Friday)! And even better… it’s a long weekend!!! I have a 2.5 hour double-brick planned for Saturday, 20-miler on Sunday followed by much-needed date night with the hubs, then sleeping in and some R&R on Monday. ahhhh…….

38 thoughts on “Three Things Thursday

  1. Crazy that Boston is only two months away! It’s kind of like a wedding day…so much anticipation and build up and then it’s over in a blink of an eye! Enjoy it 🙂

    I currently am doing crossfit and can’t say enough good things about it! It challenges you in a different way each class and has made me so much stronger!

  2. One word….FLU. Ugh. Not so sure how my 20-miler is going to look this weekend. SO glad this isn’t my first marathon! Sounds like you have a great weekend on tap. Enjoy!

  3. glad to hear that you are referring to crossfit as a “lifestyle because it is”. I think Ryan is a little nervous about tonight.

  4. That training is flying by! You guys are going to have an amazing time.
    I haven’t checked out that database yet but saw it when Mel posted. Looks like a good resource.
    Your weekend (long or not) sounds very tiring! Enjoy the fruits of all your efforts. You are crazy strong.

  5. YAY Boston! I know when I went the first time, I wanted to savor every second….I must have taken 4000 pictures – even the check in girl at the hotel :).

    I just read a good article about crossfit and endurance training and how the two do not mesh. Might be a good thing to do off season when mileage isn’t a biggie. Looking forward to what you hear.

  6. I’m not against the concept of CF but I am against the brainwashing that CF presents itself as when it comes to endurance sports. CF is great for an overall body workout for sure but it does not replace running, swimming and biking to get faster at those respective sports and if you have read CFE lately you know what I’m talking about.

    Can a triathlete be in the running blog database?

  7. Yes Boston has a tendency of sneaking up like that every year. Before I know it you’ll be tapering. Time truly flies.
    CrossFit is so mofo. After watching the Championships on TV I had to get in and check it out. Holy muscles Batman.

  8. 2 months…HOLY! Are you doing any races before Boston?
    Crossfit just kind of scares me a bit. I know the trainers are good but the whole ‘for time thing’ makes me worry about injuries.

  9. How is it MID-February?! Geeze, 2012.

    CrossFit is such a crazy craze – it’s a freaking intense workout, but I’m not sure I can get behind it as a lifestyle (Paleo, strength training 5x / week with little cardio, etc). I’ll be interested to hear what you think!

  10. You WILL be ready. I have absolutely no doubts on that matter. There’s nothing more that you could be doing so you don’t have to waste any energy worrying.

  11. Pingback: Friday Follow-Up | Mission to a(nother) Marathon

  12. I’d like to try CF, but it would just be one of many things I’m mixing in with my running. Running will likely always be my first and foremost exercise.

    Can’t believe Boston is so soon!

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